At Mad Schedules Learning, you will learn practical software skills that you will immediately implement.

For Microsoft Project, you can learn to successfully implement a #Microsoft365 Project Online environment.

You can also learn practical basic skills in Microsoft Project VBA to start automating repetitive work such as exporting schedule data to CSV files and MS Excel files, for example.

Coming soon, you will also be able to learn practical skills to create and maintain a schedule using MS Project.

So come join in the fun and enroll in our courses! 😃

Testimonial from a #Office365 Project Online student:

"I have been looking for a course like this for six months and I am so glad I found it. It is exactly what I needed to get a jump start on setting up, and using MS Plan 5."

- Randy Myer

Hi, I’m Minerva Goree

I'm happy to have you join me in this course! I have over 15 years of experience using Microsoft Project.

I have a BS in Mathematics and an MS in Software Engineering. I have a passion for teaching to all levels in the simplest way!

I am married and have two children. We love going hiking and playing tennis.

I hope you enjoy the course(s)!

Use this block for your bio. Explain to your audience who you are, and why you’re teaching this course.